The Artful Scientist: Leonardo DaVinci and YOU

Are you an artist or a scientist? You could be both, of course. Leonardo DaVinci certainly was! Leonardo was a great artist who painted the famous Mona Lisa. He was also an eager scientist who studied the flight of birds and insects, drew detailed sketches of them, and wondered how to build flying machines. Explore the ways that artists and scientists work through exciting activities, experiments, and demonstrations. You’ll think like Leonardo as we learn about his paintings, his inventions, and his amazing observations of the world. This class is for artful scientists and scientific artists ready for fun-filled learning. Invent, create, explore, and become a modern Leonardo DaVinci! ($10 course fee)

This Course has no upcoming dates

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About Online Your Extraordinary Saturday (YES)

For Students In Grades 1 – 4

MITY’s online learning program for talented younger students features inquiry-based classes covering a range of high interest topics. Students are grouped by age (1st/2nd and 3rd/4th) to ensure the appropriate level of challenge. Each class contains four synchronous learning sessions, hands-on activities and ways to extend learning at home. In addition, one week of each session is used exclusively for social emotional development and fun community building activities.
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