Admitted Students of Expand Your Mind
This page provides important details for students who have been admitted to the EYM program. Please read the information carefully so you are prepared to make the most of your MITY experience.
Daily Schedule
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Class
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM: Lunch
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM: Rec Time
1:30 PM – 4:00 PM: Class
*Residential Students: Go here for additional information.

First Day of the Session
All students will gather in the Chapel for a brief Opening Program. Parents are invited to attend, but are not required to do so. During this time, students will meet the Executive Director and Rec Coordinator, receive logistical information, and celebrate the start of the session! Students will then meet their course instructor, who will accompany them to their classroom. Note: Students should report directly to their classrooms at 9:00 AM for all subsequent days of the program.
What to Bring
Students do not need to bring supplies to class. Students should bring a water bottle, snack and lunch. Lunch is available for purchase in the Macalester cafeteria for $11.25/day; Cafe Mac accepts credit cards and Apple Pay (no cash or checks). MITY classrooms are NUT AWARE. Please avoid any snacks that contain any form of peanuts or tree nuts.
Getting There
Carpool Information
Families who indicated an interest in carpooling on the application will receive a contact list of students by June 1st. Families can then contact one another to arrange carpools.
Drop-off & Pick-up
Families will receive a campus map before the session begins that identifies the location of the Chapel, Campus Center, MITY classrooms, parking lots, and areas for drop-off and pick-up. Parents and Guardians: Please be sure to coordinate a designated pick-up location with your student each day.
End of the Session
Last Day of the Session
The program ends at 2:30 PM on the last day. After lunch, families are invited to attend performances, exhibits and the Closing Ceremony. A schedule for this will be sent out once the program is in session.
Teachers will evaluate each student at the end of the session. This evaluation will be emailed to students and parents/guardians within 4 weeks of the last day of the session.