Podcasting: Digital Storytelling

  • Teacher

  • Session

    EYM 2025 Session A

  • Class Category

    Fine Arts

Everyone loves to listen to a good story—this is your chance to research and tell one!  Think about all of the stories you have heard on radio stations like MPR or KFAI, or online through podcasts like TedTalks. These compelling stories will inform how we will create our podcasts. This course will help you think critically about the stories you consume as well as how information is gathered and reported.  You will learn aspects of radio and podcast production including: interviewing skills, story development, script writing, audio recording and editing, sound mixing and final broadcast production. By the end of the class, you will create podcasts that will be played on a local radio station as well as distributed online.  This class is ideal for all aspiring journalists and curious people. Note: Students who enroll in this course will need some kind of device with which to record their voices and also edit their audio files during the session (examples: a laptop or tablet with GarageBand, or a laptop with Audacity, or a smartphone with a music editing app). Please contact the MITY office prior to the session if you need MITY to provide you with a device.

About Expand Your Mind

For Rising 9th-12th Grade Students

A Unique Experience on a College Campus

Expand Your Mind brings together talented students from across the Twin Cities, the nation, and the world for intensive learning and discovery during two 2-week summer sessions. Located on the beautiful campus of Macalester College, EYM challenges students academically while developing leadership skills, instilling self-confidence, and fostering lifelong friendships among like-minded peers.

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