Experimental Economics

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    EYM 2025 Session B

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Have you ever wondered why people buy bottled water when tap water is just as good? Or why families in Africa typically have many more children, while in wealthier societies like Japan the birthrate is so low? Or why athletes and entertainers get paid so much, while teachers and nurses get paid so little? In this course, you’ll learn that economics is about much more than money, the stock market, unemployment and inflation. It’s about how and why people make the decisions they do. Economists know that we can’t have it all, so we’re constantly facing choices. Study or play outside? Learn piano or guitar? Take a European vacation or buy a new car? In this course, we will use simulations, games, experiments and current events to learn and apply the economic way of thinking. At the end of two weeks, student economists will be experts in analyzing the problem of scarcity and applying it to both current economic issues and to their own decision-making processes.

About Expand Your Mind

For Rising 9th-12th Grade Students

A Unique Experience on a College Campus

Expand Your Mind brings together talented students from across the Twin Cities, the nation, and the world for intensive learning and discovery during two 2-week summer sessions. Located on the beautiful campus of Macalester College, EYM challenges students academically while developing leadership skills, instilling self-confidence, and fostering lifelong friendships among like-minded peers.

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