Architecture: The Convergence Of Art And Science

  • Time of Day

    Morning Class (8:45 AM - 11:45 AM CST)

Have you ever listened to what a building or structure is trying to say to you? Have you ever looked up and wondered how buildings were designed and constructed? Architecture affects our senses! This course will explore the many aspects of architecture and its design-to-construction process. Participants will discover famous structures throughout history and around the world and learn about famous architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank O. Gehry. This course will expose students to many aspects of the architectural process including drawing plans, landscape architecture, interior design, engineering, and contracting. As a “capstone” to this class, students will experience an architectural tour of the Twin Cities where they will get a firsthand look at some of the superb examples of architectural styles that the Twin Cities have to offer.

About ExplorSchool

For Rising 6th – 8th Grade Students

Your Summer of Discovery Awaits

MITY’s ExplorSchool provides rising 6th-8th grade students a unique opportunity to investigate new topics and dive deeper into their passions at a level that is challenging and motivating.  Intellectually curious students take two classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, enabling them to explore different disciplines, experience things that are not possible within a normal school setting, and forge new friendships.

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