Roll out the banners, sound the sirens, and start the procession! In this class, students will learn a different type of character performance each day. You will learn about mime, clowning, and improvisation. You will see how to effectively use masks and explore how to use your body, energy, space, and time in dance/drama fusion. Don’t miss out—the parade is about to begin!
Character Parade
This Course has no upcoming dates
Interested in this class? Let us know and we will contact you when it is offered in the future.
Your Extraordinary Summer (YES)
For 1st – 4th Grade Students
A MITY Adventure Awaits
MITY’s summer program for elementary students enables curious, high achieving students to continue their learning in a fun environment. Classes are intentionally designed to spark curiosity and expose students to new ways of thinking. Advanced learners also have the opportunity to socialize and play games with peers who share their passion for learning. Students can attend full day or half day, and extended care is available for families who need it.
Class periods for reference
Period 1
8:30AM - 9:50AM
Period 2
10:10AM - 11:30AM
Period 3
12:30PM - 1:50PM
Period 4
2:10PM - 3:30PM