Admitted Students of ExplorSchool
This page provides important details for students who have been admitted to the middle school program. Please read the information carefully so you are prepared to make the most of your MITY experience.

Daily Schedule
7:30 AM - 8:45 AM - Extended Care Available
8:45 AM – 11:45 AM - Morning Class
11:45 AM – 12:15 PM - Lunch
12:15 PM – 12:45 PM - Rec Time
12:45 PM – 3:45 PM - Afternoon Class
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM - Extended Care Available
First Day of the Session
All students should arrive at 8:30 AM on the first day and go directly to the opening program. MITY staff will show you where to go. Parents are invited to attend, but are not required to do so. There will be a short program that includes introductions and logistical information. Students will then meet their morning course instructor, who will accompany them to their classroom. Note: Students should report directly to their classrooms at 8:45 AM for all subsequent days of the program.
What to Bring
Students should bring a snack, lunch, and water bottle labeled with their name. MITY classrooms are NUT FREE. Please avoid any snacks that contain any form of peanuts or tree nuts. Students do not need to bring supplies to class; all materials will be provided.

Getting There
Drop-off & Pick-up
Students should be dropped off between 8:35 – 8:40 AM unless they are pre-registered for Before Care. There will be signs to direct families. All students should be picked up at 3:45 PM except those pre-registered for After Care. Drop-in care is not available before or after classes.
Carpool Information
Families who indicated an interest in carpooling on the application will receive a contact list of students by early June. Families can then contact one another to arrange carpools.
End of the Session
Last Day of the Session
Families will be invited to visit classes, see performances, and view exhibits. A schedule for this will be sent out once the program is in session.
Teachers will evaluate each student at the end of the session. This evaluation will be emailed to families in the weeks following the program.