Mysteries of the Mind: Psychology 101

  • Time of Day

    Morning Class (8:45 AM - 11:45 AM CST)

Where do superstitions come from? How does your body know what time it is? Why are we so attached to our things? Why do people get so anxious about math? This course will explore answers to questions such as these and many others as students gain a basic understanding of the field of psychology. Psychology is the study of behavior and the human mind. It seeks to understand all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience and thought, examining human beings both as individuals and as members of social groups. Students will learn about the subfields of psychology and study topics such as memory, motivation, emotion, personality, and psychological disorders.  We will engage in activities to infer traits, determine the effects of multitasking, “sell” a point of view, talk with experts, and much more!

About ExplorSchool

For Rising 6th – 8th Grade Students

Your Summer of Discovery Awaits

MITY’s ExplorSchool provides rising 6th-8th grade students a unique opportunity to investigate new topics and dive deeper into their passions at a level that is challenging and motivating.  Intellectually curious students take two classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, enabling them to explore different disciplines, experience things that are not possible within a normal school setting, and forge new friendships.

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